
Sunday, 31 March 2013

Arrays in C


Array is the collection of similar type of data elements
Suppose we want to store the roll no’s of student then there are two ways
1. Declare 25 different variables for storing 25 roll no’s
2. Use a single variable which can store 25 values (roll no’s)
The first way is very inconvenient or difficult because it require a lot of variables
If we want to store marks, total and percentage of the student, we have to declare a large number of variables.
Handling a large no of variables makes the program very difficult
The second method of is easy to use this facility is provided by arrays
So using array you can store more values of same variable.
The general format of declaring an array is

data type  array name [dim…][dim..][dim..];
where data type is the type of which you want to create an array .
Array is the name of that array dim 1, dim1,dim 2… are the dimension of the array.
Dimension means the capacity of the array i.e. specifies the no of elements of array can store.
 The dimension must be including the square brackets.
int rollno[25];
char name[20][30];

The first and third example declares one dimensional array.
Where the second example a two dimensional array.

  1. The first example tells the compiler that an int array call rollno, is declared and it can store 25 int values .
  2. The second array which can store at the most 20*30=600.
Accessing the individual element of an array :-
Just storing no of values is an array is not sufficient but you should access that array.
For this you have to use subscript .Subscript means the position of an element in a array.
The counting of array starts from zero and not from the one .
So the nth element will have the subscript (n-1)
In the array rollno you can store 25 int values .So int values .
So rollno[0] will give 1 st values
Subscript                     element
rollno[0]                      1st
rollno[11]                    12th
rollno[25]                    26th

Memory allocation for array

The array element are stored in contiguous memory locations .
So all the elements from an array
Eg        int      rollno[10];
            char    x[5];
            float    y[5];

Types of array :-

1.                  One dimensional array
2.                  Multidimensional  array

In one dimensional array we specify only one dimension
Eg  int rollno[10];

If we specify more than one dimension it is known as multidimensional array.
In multidimensional array we will study double dimensional array.
So , in double dimensional array we specify two dimensions

Eg    int     a[10][10];
        char  x[30][50];

Bound checking

When we try to access any element out of range or boundaries of array
We expect that the compiler should give an error .
But compiler doesn’t give an error .
Instead of it you will get unexpected result i.e. suppose we have the array

  int rollno[10];
and we want to access the element rollno[10],rollno[11]… then no error is given by compiler but you will have wrong result .
so the care should be taken by the programmer that array overflow doesn’t occur.

Initialization of  one dimensional array

Initialization means providing some initial value to a variable .
Generally when we don’t initialize a variable it contains garbage value .
Like simple variable initialization.
We can initialization of  one dimensional array at the time of declaration .
For this we have to use opening and closing curly brackets.

Eg char x[ ] ={ ‘a’,’b’,’v’,’p’};
       int   y[] = { 10,15,20,25,30};

If we are initializing array at the time of declaration .there will be no need to specify fix dimensions .
In the initialization the values are separated by comma while initializing a above array the values must be enclosed within single quotes.

The following code initializes the values in the array sequentially and then prints them out:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int a[5];
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<5; i++)
a[i] = i;
    for (i=0; i<5; i++)
        printf("a[%d] = %d\n", i, a[i]);   
Two dimensional array

In double dimensional array we have to specify two dimensions ,
Then the total no of elements that array can hold or store is equal to the multiplication of those two dimensions .
The general format of declaration of double dimension array is
            data  type  array name [dim1][dim2]
                                                 rows   columns
where , data type is the type of array you  want to create .   
            array name is the name of array
            dim1 & dim2 are the two dimensions.
The double dimensional array is accessed in terms of rows and columns i.e. tabular format.
This is just for the simplicity of user whereas, the compiler will store all those elements serially.
int   a[][]={ { 10,20,30},{40,50,60},{70,80,90};

e.g.  char name[10][20];
        float x[5][10];
         int     a[2][3];
The first statement declares a double dimension char array name which can have at the most 20 columns ; i.e. name can store 10 strings and every string can have at the most 20 characters.

Double dimensional array initialization :-

The double dimensional array can be initialized like one dimensional array by specifying all the values .

e.g. int a[2][3]={ 10,20,30,40,50,60};

  2001      2003    2005      2007     2008      2009                  

Array                           values
A[0][0]                        10
A[0][1]                          20
A[0][2]                          30     
A[1][0]                          40
A[1][1]                          50
A[1][2]                          60

When we declare n dimension 
            0                      1                      2         

The compiler allocates a continuous memory for all the elements in array as shown in fig
for accessing the individual element of double dimension array we have to specify its respective row number as well as column number in separate square brackets.  The counting of row as well as column status with zero, so in above example a[0] [0] will be the first element in array whereas, a[1] [2] is the last element.

            The double dimensional array can be said that it is a one dimensional array in which every element is again a one dimensional array using this e can initialize, the double dimensional array as
            int a[2] [3] = {{10, 20, 30}
                                    {40, 50, 60}}
          / * Double dimensional array demo */
                                    # include <stdio.h>
                                    # include<conio.h>
main( )
          int a[3] [3]; , /* Array declaration
            int I, j ,
            clscr c;
            /* Storing the elements in array*/
 for (i=0’ i<3; i++)
Printf (“\n Enter a number : “);
                         scanf (“%d”, & a[i] [j])
                        /* Printing the elements */
            for (i=0; i<3; i++)
 printf (“\n”);
                        for (j=0; j<3; j++)
Printf (“%d”, a[i][j]);

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