
Friday, 14 December 2012

Compilation and Execution

  • To convert the program into machine understandable language, compiler is used.
  • Compiler vendors provide an (IDE) Integrated Development Environment which consists of an editor as well as compiler.
  • Examples of compilers :
    • Turbo C, Turbo C++ and microsoft C are compilers that work under MS DOS.
    • Visual C++ and Borland C++ are the compilers that work under windows.
    • gcc compiler works under linux.
    • printf() outputs the values to the screen whereas scanf() receives them from the keyboard.
C Instructions:
There are basically three types of instructions in C:
  • Type Declaration instruction
  • Arithmetic Instruction
  • Control Instruction
 Purpose of each instructions is given below:
  1. Type Declaration Instruction : To declare the type of variables used in C program.
  2. Arithmetic Instruction :  To perform arithmetic operations between constants and variables.
  3. Control Instruction : To control the sequences of execution of various statements in C programs.
 Commands used in TC:
  1. To create a new file.
    1. Alt + (F) File -> New   
  2.  To open an existing file.
    1. Alt + (F) File -> Open
  3.  To save a  file.
    1. Alt + (F) File -> Save   
  4.  To compile file. 
    1. Ctrl + F9 

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